Savannah-Chatham County Public School System

April 8 Board of Public Education Meeting to be held by Videoconference

Published on: 4/2/2020

Update to the Previously Announced April 8 Board Meeting

Due to the public health emergency declared by the Governor and confirmed by the General Assembly, the Savannah-Chatham County Board of Public Education will conduct its meeting by videoconference on Wednesday, April 8, 2020, starting at 2:00pm. Anyone wishing to observe the meeting may do so by viewing the livestream broadcast at As previously announced, the regularly scheduled April 1, 2020, Board meeting has been postponed and will be held on April 8, 2020. 

While this is a public meeting, the Board is committed to following CDC guidance and limitations on public gatherings.  Any interested citizen may view the live meeting by visiting the District’s website.  The agenda for Wednesday’s meeting will be posted on the “Board Docs (Agenda)” section under the board tab of Savannah-Chatham County Public School System’s website by Friday, April 3, 2020.


WHAT: SCCPSS Board of Public Education Meeting – April 8 Videoconference

WHEN: Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 2:00pm

*The meeting will be preceded by an Executive Session scheduled to begin at 1:15pm. (Executive Sessions are closed to the public for the purpose of discussing personnel, student, and legal matters.)  **The 11:00am Informal Session has been cancelled.


The livestream will be produced from the Whitney Administrative Complex, Bldg. G, with a limited number of SCCPSS staff present.​

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