School News

School Council

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We cannot wait to see everyone at STEAM Night!

Heard Elementary Girl Scout Troop 37040

We are so excited to have a girl scout troop at Heard this year for girls in k-3rd!

Middle School Information Night 2023

5th Grade Gator Families: Heard Elementary is hosting a Middle School Information Night Thursday, November 9th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm.

Heard's Fall Fun Bingo Night

Join us for Fall Fun @ Heard tomorrow night! Have extra candy or treats at home? Send them to Ms. Wilson in our Parent Engagement Center tomorrow morning!

Red Ribbon Week

We are having a blast celebrating Red Ribbon Week! Check out Mrs. Wright's class during Hat Day

Heard is Celebrating Principal's Month

We’re celebrating Principal’s month all month (We ❤️ Mrs. Smalls!) and today we celebrated Boss’s Day!

Pink Out Tuesdays

This is just a reminder about Pink-Out Tuesdays. We enjoyed seeing everyone in their pink on last Tuesday. So, I can’t wait to see you all in your pink tomorrow.

Beautification Day

Our garden is growing! Help us clean up, plant, dig, build and more. Saturday, September 30 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

Math Curriculum Night

Join us to learn more about what your gator is learning in math this school year! This Thursday, September 28, 2023, 6:00p.m. to 7:00p.m

Heard Honored as a Literacy Leader School

Heard's 3rd grade team supported our students as they made a 30% gain on reading scores! State Superintendent Dr. Woods presented Heard Elementary School an award for this achievement!

Thank you for your support!

Wow! @harrishometeam stopped by @heardelementary and surprised us with an awesome donation of school supplies!

Annual Title-I Meeting

Heard Elementary School's Annual Title-I Meeting will be in the cafeteria on August 15, 2023, at 6:00 pm.

Thank you Dr. Watts for stopping by!

We can’t believe the first day of school has come and gone! Thank you Dr. Watts, Savannah-Chatham County Public School System Superintendent, for stopping by! Check out these to celebrate #dayone

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