Mercer MS Student Learning Expectations: SCCPSS e-Learning Half-Day - Friday, February 14, 2025

Published on: 2/13/2025
​Dear Mercer Raider Family and Friends,

On Friday, February 14, 2025, Savannah Chatham County Public Schools will have an e-Learning half-day.  Students will stay home and learn remotely.  Our schedule for the half-day and information about the learning packet activities are listed below. The e-Learning day begins at 7:30am and ends at 11:10am.  Our schedule for the e-Learning half-day and information about the Grades 6 – 8 activities are located in the grade-level PDF documents below. The e-Learning half-day schedule is outlined below.

Grades 6 – 8 e-Learning Half Day activities accessible via the grade-level document below: 
SCCPSS e-Learning Half Day Parent Letter and Activities_Mercer MS_6th Grade 02142025.pdf
SCCPSS e-Learning Half Day Parent Letter and Activities_Mercer MS_7th Grade 02142025.pdf
SCCPSS e-Learning Half Day Parent Letter and Activities_Mercer MS_8th Grade 02142025.pdf


7:30am – 8:10am: 6th - 8th Grade Language Arts Activity
8:15am – 8:55am: 6th - 8th Grade Math Activity
9:00am – 9:40am: 6th - 8th Grade Science Activity
9:45am – 10:25am: 6th - 8th Grade Social Studies Activity
10:30am – 11:10am: 6th - 8th Grade Connections/Life Skills Activity

For questions or concerns, please email your scholar's teacher.

Thank you,
Dr. Christian Pantin
Principal, Mercer Middle School
Mercer MS Logo 2018.png

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