School News

Student Supply List 2023-2024

Find what your student needs for next year!

2023-2024 School Uniform

2023-2024 Uniform Expectations

GMAS Explained

Do you have questions about GMAS? Open the document to find a dazzling array of answers!

If your child is sick or has been exposed

Please review the school district's COVID-19 exposure and quarantine protocols for the second half of the year.

School Uniforms

School uniform options for students attending Jacob G. Smith Elementary.

Skills Focus for Kindergarten Readiness

Skills Focus for Kindergarten Readiness

Specialty school criteria announced!

What do I do to enroll my child in a specialty school choice program next year? All the answers are here!

Open House for the 2022-23 School Year!

​Enjoy our video open house!

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