January 9, 2024 Virtual Learning Choice Boards

Published on: 1/8/2024

Parents should contact their students teacher for their student's assignments for the day.  Students should refer to their school-provided Choice Board or Studies Weeklies if they are unable to access online learning platforms during this virtual shift. 

The choice boards if needed can be found here:   2023 2024 Choice Boards PK-5.pdf

Be sure to check SCCPSS.com and the district's social media pages for the most up to date information from the district.  

The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System is committed to ensuring that all material on its websites are accessible to students, faculty, staff and the general public. If you experience difficulty with accessibility on any web pages or documents, please request the materials in an alternate format by contacting us: communications@sccpss.com