STUDENT COMPUTER LOGIN & EMAIL ADDRESS - Your child's teacher will provide you with their email address, username and password.
EBOOKS - SORA OVERDRIVE - Download the free SORA app from the Apple App story, Google Play Store or visit, borrow and enjoy anytime, anywhere on a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Go to the SORA app and login through Clever (active directory) with your student’s email address and password. Your child’s teacher can provide their email address and password. When you go to SORA select school, Savannah Chatham County.
MARSHPOINT ONLINE LIBRARY CATALOG - We also have a few ebooks available through Destiny, our online catalog. Visit the Destiny link below. Then click on the Login button at the top right of the screen. Students login with their individual username (not email address) and their password. Your child's teacher can provide their username and password.