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Published on: 8/3/2021

Dismissal and Car Rider Information

A copy of the school transportation map is attached. Please be aware of the vital time information listed below:

  • Our school time is 8:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Children will not be allowed to be dropped off prior to 8:45 a.m. Staff are not available to monitor students dropped off prior to 8:45 a.m. (Doing so may result in an unsafe situation for your child.)
    • 8:45 – Car riders ONLY are allowed to be dropped off and picked up in car rider lines on the east and west sides of the school.
      • Pre K, kindergarten and 5th grade students will be dropped off on the west side of the building (Coastal).
      • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students will be dropped off and picked up on the east side of the building (Islands).
    • 8:55-Buses and walkers begin arriving
    • 9:15- Students not in the classroom at this time will be considered tardy. Late arriving bus riders will not be considered tardy.
  • Dismissal Information:
    • 3:00 - NO Early Dismissal After This Time
    • 3:40 - Afternoon announcements
    • 3:45- Walkers dismissal begins
    • 3:50 - Car rider dismissal begins
    • 3:55 – Buses and day cares begin loading

Here are some additional important reminders..

Parents are not allowed into the building. We will have additional staff on duty to make sure your child gets to the right classroom. Students must wear masks!

Parents should not get out of their cars in the car rider line.

Please make sure your child is seated on the right side of the car to help expedite arrival and dismissal.

We will have signs up to help direct traffic. We will have double lanes for car riders.

Important Information

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