School Uniform Options at New Hampstead K-8 School

Published on: 5/23/2023
​​​With the understanding that a student's behavior is influenced by the way the student is dressed and with the understanding that no student should dress in a m​anner that is disruptive or has an adverse effect on school activities, the following mandatory uniform standards for student attire have been developed.  Students are expected to dress in the school uniform during the school day and during school related activities. The school principal/site administrator will make the final determination of whether a student's attire or appearance conflicts with these standards. The school will loan uniforms to students from the school uniform closet when necessary. Students in violation of the dress code regulations will be administered appropriate consequences for dress code violations.

All students (except those deemed exempt) must adhere to the following dress code:


Tops must be solid yellow, navy, or white and may be polo-style shirts, collared blouses or turtlenecks. Shirts may have the school insignia, if one is available, but no other ornamentation is permitted. Tops must not expose any of the midriff or lower back. Fishnet tops, halter tops, tube tops, strapless tops, tanks tops, spaghetti straps and other forms of transparent or revealing clothing are prohibited and should not be visible at any time. Oversized tops may not be worn.

​ Yellow Polo   Navy Polo  White Polo 


Solid navy or khaki pants/slacks (no knit pants, jogging or cargo pants; no zippers or pockets on pant legs). Pants/slacks must be belted and made of standard uniform material (cotton and/or twill). Pants/slacks must be of appropriate size, be worn at the natural waist, and not drag the floor. Pants should not be too tight. 

​​Navy Pants khaki pants

Skirts & Shorts

Solid navy or khaki shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers, capri pants or pants/slacks (no knit pants, jogging or cargo pants; no zippers or pockets on pant legs).​No denim jeans, skirts, etc. Shorts, skirts, skorts and jumpers must be no shorter than three inches above the knee. Pants/slacks, skirts, skorts, shorts and jumpers must have a finished hem.

​ Navy Skirt   Khaki Skirt  

 ​ Navy Shorts   Khaki Shorts  


  •  All shoes must be enclosed and fastened/tied properly.
  •  Tights, leggings hose, or socks may be worn under an appropriate length skirt or dress (no shorter than three inches above the knee). Tights and socks must be solid navy, black or white with no design. Hose without design may be worn. Tights or leggings may not be worn as an outer garment.
  •  Solid colored sweaters, vests or sweatshirts may be worn over uniform shirts. Hooded sweatshirts are not allowed at any time.
  •  No hats, caps, or sunglasses may be worn in the building.
  •  Coats and jackets must be worn open while in the building.
  •  Extreme hair color/style that causes a disruption, or interferes with the learning environment will not be allowed.
  •  Body piercing that causes a disruption, or interferes with the learning environment will not be allowed.
  •  Belts must be worn if pants, skirts, skorts or shorts have belt loops. Belts must be solid navy, black or brown and worn inside the belt loops. Belt buckles must not be oversized, computerized or have writings or symbols which are likely to disrupt the school environment or interfere with the operation of the school.
  •  No oversized/baggy garments.
  •  No oversized jewelry and/or accessories with inappropriate emblems and/or writing may be worn.
  •  Only white T-shirts may be worn under uniform shirts.
  •  Undergarments must not be visible.
  •  School ID badges must be worn and visibly displayed while on campus and while attending all school sponsored field trips (grades 6 through 12).
  •  Handbags, purses, pocketbooks, and similar items must be no larger than 8.5 X 11 inches (size of a regular sheet of paper) 3 to 4 inches thick and must not be large enough to contain a regular sized textbook.
  •  All book bags, tote bags, backpacks, athletic bags and all other similar items must have the contents clearly visible (see-through clear plastic or mesh). Any bag needed for after school events, which is not mesh or clear plastic, must be checked in at the beginning of the day and left with the student's teacher or with the student's coach during the school day.  
  • Students assigned to alternative school sites and/or program other than their home school will wear the uniform consistent with the dress code of that site.​
For more information please see Policy JCDB and associated Regulations in the School Board Policy Manual ​

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