Hazardous Winter Weather: Remote Learning on January 21-January 24

Published on: 1/21/2025

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Weather Closure Alert: January 21-24--Remote Learning


To our Nighthawk Families:


SCCPSS Shifts to Remote-Learning & Remote Workdays on Jan. 21 - Jan. 24


Due to the increased risk for winter precipitation (snow/ice/sleet) in our area with impacts predicted to begin as early as Tuesday, SCCPSS will shift to Remote-Learning Days (E-Learning) for students and Remote Workdays for staff on the following days:

  • Tuesday, January 21
  • Wednesday, January 22
  • Thursday, January 23
  • Friday, January 24
  • All Saturday Events are cancelled/rescheduled.


This weather event could result in hazardous driving conditions for area roadways and dangerous temperatures including sub-freezing wind chills on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and into Friday morning.  As the weather system moves through our area, all facilities and District systems will be inspected on Friday afternoon to ensure functionality for a return to in-person school and work on Monday, January 27, 2025.


Please continue to monitor the District’s official communication channels including staff email, call notification system, website postings at sccpss.com, and the District’s Social Media Channels for updates.​

Please make sure to check our website and check our school and class dojo messages for further updates.​

In the event of issues with power, internet or other technical issues, please see the attached Choice Board activities to keep our students engaged during this Remote Learning.  Due dates for the activities will be provided by classroom teachers upon their return on Monday, January 27th.

PreK Choice Board.pdf

Kindergarten Choice Board.pdf

First Grade Choice Board.pdf

Second Grade Choice Board.pdf

Grades 3-5 Choice Board.pdf
Middle School Choice Board.pdf

Music Choice Board for K-2.pdf

Music Choice Board for Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grades.pdf

PE Choice Board - Device Free and Online Activities for Students.pdf

Important Information

    School Resources

      The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System is committed to ensuring that all material on its websites are accessible to students, faculty, staff and the general public. If you experience difficulty with accessibility on any web pages or documents, please request the materials in an alternate format by contacting us: communications@sccpss.com