Nighthawk 2024-2025 School Supply List

Published on: 6/12/2024

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New Hampstead K8

SY 2024-2025 Supply List​


 Clear or Mesh book bag – no wheels

24 regular #2 pencils*

4 packs of 24 count crayons

1 pack of 10 or 12 count markers – washable only

1 pair of round tip safety scissors

12 glue sticks

2 bottles liquid glue

 2 primary writing tablets (horizontal)

 2 primary journal creative story tablet

  4 count dry erase markers

  1 box Ziploc gallon size bags

  1 box of Ziploc Quart or sandwich size bags

 1 change of uniform clothes (labeled in a ziploc bag)

 1 Pair of wired headphones for iPad/technology

1st Grade

Clear or Mesh book bag – no wheels

1 or 1.5 -inch binder with plastic front cover

2 packs of 12 #2 pencils

2 packs of 24 count crayons

1 pack of 6 or 12 markers- washable only

1 pack of 12 colored pencils

1 pack of dry erase markers (4 count) 1 pair of round tip safety scissors

6 glue sticks

 1 primary grade ruled composition notebooks

2 Vinyl two-pocket folders with pockets and prongs (1 yellow and 1 blue)

1 box Ziploc bags- gallon size (boys)

1 box of Quart size Ziploc bags (girls)

1 Pair of wired Headphones for technology

2nd Grade

Clear or Mesh book bag-no wheels

1 pack of 24  #2 pencils

2 packs of 24 count crayons

1 pack of 8 count markers

1 pair of round tip safety scissors

6 glue sticks

1 pack of loose-leaf paper-wide

4 black dry erase markers 1 plastic pencil box

4 vinyl two-pocket folders with prongs (red, blue, yellow, and green)

1 box Ziploc gallon size bags (boys)

1 box Ziploc quart size bags (girls)

1 Pair of wired Headphones for technology

2 regular Composition notebooks

 1-2 inch binder

1- pack of plastic binder dividers with pockets

3rd Grade

Clear or Mesh book bag – no wheels

1-2 inch binder

1 pack of plastic binder dividers with pockets

3 pronged plastic folders with pockets

2 pack of 24 #2 pencils

1 pencil box or pencil pouch

1 pack of crayons or colored pencils

1 pack of washable markers

1- 4 pack of dry erase markers

1 pack of erasers

1 pair of rounded tip scissors

4 wide ruled composition notebooks

2 packs of wide ruled loose-leaf paper

1 Pair of wired Headphones for technology

2 bottles of hand soap

1 pack of copy paper

1 pack of Lysol wipes

4th Grade

Clear or Mesh book bag – no wheels

2 two-pocket folders w/prongs (red and blue)

2 packs of 24 #2 pencils

1 pack of 24 count crayons

1 pack of colored pencils

1 pair of rounded tip scissors

4 glue sticks

1 pack of highlighters

1 ruler (with inches & cm)

1 protractor

6 WIDE RULED composition notebooks

1 - 1½ inch 3 ring binder “Clear view" w/ pockets

1 pack of 8-tab dividers

2 pencil pouches with binder holes

2 packs of WIDE RULED loose-leaf paper

2 packs of index card

1 pair of wired Headphones for technology

1 package of skinny BLACK EXPO markers 1 package of Crayola markers

1 box Ziploc Bags--Gallon Size/Quart Size

5th Grade

Clear or Mesh book bag – no wheels

3 two-pocket folders with prongs

1 pencil box

1 pack of 24 #2 pencils

1 handheld pencil sharpener with cover to hold shavings

1 pack of markers

1 pair of rounded tip scissors

1 24 pack of crayons

2 packs of twistable colored pencils

4 glue sticks

1 pack of highlighters

1 pack of skinny EXPO markers

8 wide ruled composition notebooks   

2 – 1 inch 3 ring binders

2 packs of 5-tab binder dividers

1 pack of graph ruled notebook paper

 1 pack of white copy paper

 2 packs of wide ruled loose-leaf paper

 1 box Ziploc bags- gallon size (boys) Quart size  (girls)

 1 pair of wired headphones for technology

6th Grade

Clear or mesh book bag without wheels

1 box of Pencils

1 box-colored pencils

1 pack of Crayola Markers

1 pack of crayons

1 pair of round tip scissors

1 pack of construction paper

2 glue sticks

 1 pack of Blue or black pens

 2 Highlighters

 1 ruler

 4 - wide ruled composition notebooks

 2 – two-pocket folders with prongs (plastic)

 3 - 1 ½ inch 3 ring binders with pockets

 6 packs of wide ruled notebook paper

 1 handheld pencil sharpener with cover for shavings

 1 pair of wired headphones for technology

 2 boxes of tissues and hand sanitizer

 2 large erasers

7th Grade

Clear or mesh book bag without wheels

1 pack of 24 #2 pencils

1 box-colored pencils

1 pair of round tip scissors

4 glue sticks

1 pack of color pens

2 packs of multicolored highlighters

1 ruler

2 wide ruled composition notebooks

3 - 1 ½ inch 3 ring binders with pockets

4 packs of 5-tab dividers

2 packs of wide ruled notebook paper

1 handheld pencil sharpener with cover for shavings

2 pair of WIRED headphones NO Wireless

2 large erasers

TI-30IIS Calculator

4 boxes of tissues

4 hand sanitizers

(Any extra school supplies appreciated)

8th Grade

CLEAR(see-through) OR MESH book bag

Pencils - several boxes (they use a lot!)

Two boxes of colored pencils

Black or blue pens

1 set of dividers

1 1-inch 3 ring binder/notebook (Social Studies)

1 1 ½-inch or 2-inch 3 ring binder/notebook (math)

Lined notebook paper (several packs)

One handheld pencil sharpener with shavings catcher

Several glue sticks for all classes

One pair of school scissors

One ruler

One set of dry erase markers

2 composition notebooks (NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS)

2 folders with pockets (no prongs)

An agenda to keep track of due dates


Art Grades K-8

1 pack of 12 to 24 Crayola markers

1 pack of #2 pencils

1 large pink pearl eraser


General Music K-8

1 primary ruled composition notebook grades K-2

1 wide ruled composition notebook grades 3-8

 1 pack of #2 pencils

1 – 2 pocket folders


Band Students Grades 5 – 8

1 – 1 inch 3 ring binder with side pockets 20 clear sheet protectors

1 pack of #2 pencils


All K – 8 P.E. Students


Attire: SCCPSS school uniform

Writer's Workshop:

1 composition book--wide or college ruled

2 plastic 2 pocket folder with prongs


Spanish Grades K-8

1 Pack of # 2 pencils

1 – 12 pack of markers

1 – glue stick

1 composition notebook (K-2 primary grades)

3 – 8 wide-ruled

 1 large eraser

Students taking Spanish for HS credit (7th & 8th)

1 Pack of # 2 pencils

1 – 12 pack of markers

1 – glue stick

1 composition notebook (K-2 primary grades)

3 – 8 wide-ruled

1 large eraser

Spanish – English Dictionary

K-8 Gifted Program Students

Gifted teachers will send home any additional supply requests.

Ms. Bussell's Class Supply List

Clear or mesh book bag without wheels

1 pack of 24 #2 pencils

2 packs of 24 count crayons

2 box of washable markers

6 glue sticks

1 bottle school glue

1 Binder 3 ring with pockets (2 or 3 inch)

2 primary journal kindergarten writing tables (Mead brand if possible)

4 composition notebooks primary ruled

2 Vinyl two-pocket folders with pockets and prongs 1 pack of dry erase markers

1 pair of wired headphones for technology (required for all students)

1 box Ziploc bags--gallon size (boys)

1 box of Quart size Ziploc bags (girls)

2 boxes of tissues

1 change of uniform clothes

1 pack of copy paper (optional)

1 roll of paper towel (optional)

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