Visit Massie Through Historic Images

Published on: 7/29/2021


Since 1856 Massie School, now Massie Heritage Center, has opened its doors to students, teachers and visitors who live in our city and who have traveled from other locations including those from other countries.

These photos share Massie's life and events. Some were taken by students, teachers, and visitors while on site while others were donated by people who attended Massie as students and participated in these events before it closed as a public school in the mid 1970s. Some photos were taken or donated by teachers who taught at Massie, and many by students teachers and visitors who have visited since Massie became a museum.  

You may download pictures for your own personal use or click on the BUY link on the page to print photos, create wall art, desk art,or greeting cards. ​

Take a look and walk back through some ​​of Massie's history.
May Day at Massie

Historic Images


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