YOUR SCCPSS School ID Card Can Be Used As Your Public Library Card

Published on: 3/11/2020
Live Oak Libraries

​What is the Student PASS?

The Student PASS (PINES Access for Student Success) gives students free access to public library materials and online resources to help them succeed in school. Live Oak Public Libraries (LOPL) and Savannah-Chatham County Public School System (SCCPSS) partner to provide the Student PASS program.

Access a free public library account with your SCCPSS student number.
Check out books, computers, and online resources with no overdue fines.
Support academic success inside and outside of the classroom.
Connect to homework help, literacy tools, college prep, and job readiness.​​

How does the Student PASS work?

Student PASS gives students in the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System free access to public library resources and services.

Students use their SCCPSS student number just like a library card.
The program is free and access to public library resources and services is free.
There are no overdue fines. Fees apply only for lost or damaged materials.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?
Check out books and more! Your SCCPSS student number works just like a library card. 

Student PASS account: 3-letter school district (SAV) followed by SCCPSS student number
Student PASS password: 6-digit​ student birth month and year (MMYYYY)

Account: SAV1234567 (SAV is the district in all caps. 1234567 is the SCCPSS student number. No spaces.)
Password: 042006 (04 is birth month of April. 2006 is birth year. No spaces.)
Students have the option to change their password.

Important Information

    School Resources

      The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System is committed to ensuring that all material on its websites are accessible to students, faculty, staff and the general public. If you experience difficulty with accessibility on any web pages or documents, please request the materials in an alternate format by contacting us: