Baseball Tryouts

Published on: 1/18/2023

​Baseball tryouts will begin Tuesday, Jan. 24th from 3:00pm - 5:00pm.  Students who are trying out will be dismissed from class at the end of the day with after school activities.  They will then report to the gym and meet Coach McCord and Coach Olinger.  They will change and get further instruction from the coaches on where to go next.  Transportation for pick up needs to be in place at 4:45pm at the CMS baseball practice field.  Students trying out must have a valid/complete sports physical on file with the athletics department.  Please take a look at the tryout dates and grade levels.  Students will be notified via itsLearning on who needs to return for the 2nd day of tryouts.​

Tuesday - Jan. 24th    6th - 7th Grade

Wednesday - Jan. 25th  8th Grade

Thursday - Jan. 26th 6th,7th, and 8th Graders who were asked to return for 2nd day of tryouts.

Dates for tryouts may change if it should rain.  If you have any questions, please email me at

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