Girls Engineer Day

Published on: 1/19/2024

The Society of Women Engineers of the Savannah Coastal Empire invites elementary, middle, and high school students to our 12th annual Girls Engineer It! Day. 

Girls Engineer Flier.PNG​​

Here is what you need to know:

What: Girls Engineer It! Day students participate in separate tracks (per age group) of three classes lasting one hour each. We kick off with an Expo to learn about schools, universities, and Engineering companies in the Coastal Empire.Then as the students break off for classes, the adults are invited to stay and learn how to keep the students interested in STEM and how to prepare them for school. The full agenda will be posted soon.

When: February 10, 2024

Where: Woodville-Tompkins Institute

Registration: The fee is $8 per student and includes all supplies for activities. The registration fee increases to $10 after January 26th.

To learn more and register, visit Girls Engineer It! Day Registration [] on our website, [].  


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