2022 Action Research Team Recruiting Now!

Published on: 11/29/2021

Deep Center recruiting young people for 2022 Action Research Team!

ART is a group of young people living in Chatham County who explore critical issues that impact their lives and the lives of those in their community. ART members have led advocacy projects at local and regional levels, facilitated workshops to share youth stories, and developed skills to amplify their voices--one of which was in collaboration with Leader Stacey Abrams.  

ART is not a team comprised solely of members who get good grades. We are looking for new cohort members to join ART in January 2022 for our Spring program!! If you know of any young people you’d like to nominate that you believe would thrive in a change-making environment, you can fill out our ART nomination form. 

There is no cost to applying or joining ART, in fact young people are provided a monthly stipend to support their participation. Plus, they will gain skills and experiences that will help them get a competitive edge on their college or career goals.  

You can also encourage your students to apply directly at tinyurl.com/ART2022 or tinyurl.com/eart2022 (Spanish​)

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