Savannah-Chatham County Public School System

Return To Learn Guidance

Published on: 11/13/2020


​We are excited to welcome students back to in-person hybrid learning.  On February 3, 2021, the Board adopted a resolution in support of moving forward with the Second Semester In-Person Option for families.  The following information will provide start dates and important reminders for in-person instruction.

 Students identified as Least Independent Learners returned to in-person instruction on February 17, 2021. All other students who selected in-person instruction in the Second Semester In-Person Registration Survey conducted in December 2020 returned to class in their assigned cohort beginning February 22, 2021.  The District has created second semester schedules for each in-person cohort and has posted them below.  



**Schedules are subject to modification based on space availability for the spring testing administration that will require in-person attendance.  Further information will be provided.

Families who wish to move from virtual instruction to the in-person option during the Second Semester should contact your child's school.  All requests for in-person instruction will be reviewed to ensure proper space is available to meet social distancing requirements.   Please allow up to 3 days for a response and if transportation is requested up to 5 days for a review of availability.  Transportation is limited due to public health and safety restrictions.  All requests for transportation services will be reviewed and determinations will be based on capacity constraints.   School bus schedules are updated every Friday and families should contact your child's school for bus stop information if approved for transportation.  

 Here are a few important reminders:

  • Meal delivery for virtual students – including breakfast and lunch – will continue.  The weekly schedule is available on  Click HERE to view the schedule. 
  • Students attending in-person instruction will receive meals at school.  Meals will be served in the safest location available to ensure proper social distancing.
  • Bell schedules have not changed and can be found by clicking this weblink: 2020-2021 Bell Schedules. Please remember that arrival and dismissal times may be staggered to ensure proper social distancing.  More information will be provided from your child's school.
  • The SCCPSS School Uniform Policy has been relaxed for the 2020-2021 school year.  Students are expected to adhere to the uniform requirements of the non-uniform days listed in the SCCPSS Dress Code policy.
  • Attendance matters for all students!  This includes schoolwork while in virtual instruction.  Please review the video at this weblink for information on attendance: SCCPSS Attendance reminders
  • COVID-19 transmission rates within a facility could disrupt in-person learning for individual schools.  Families should be prepared for the possibility of transitioning to virtual learning based on school transmission data.  Decisions will occur on a case by case basis.

We would like to remind everyone about the safety protocols designed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.  Masks are required of all students and staff.  Click this link for more information on the mask requirement. ​ Classrooms have been arranged to accomplish effective social distancing, and hallways have been marked to remind everyone to stay 6 feet apart.  All high touch areas in classrooms are cleaned regularly with sanitizing agents that are proven to eliminate the COVID-19 virus and air filters have been replaced at every school.  All schools have been equipped with touchless water refilling stations, and our business partners have provided water bottles for all students.  Hand sanitizing stations are positioned throughout each school as well. 

Please remember to visit this page frequently and follow us on social media for the most up to date information.

​​View the Resolution here.

The Georgia Department of Public Health has updated guidance on Quarantine for people with no symptoms.  Please see the chart below for more information.


The information below is intended to provide answers to many of the questions our parents and staff have about our virtual return to school.  Please check back frequently as this page will be updated when new information becomes available.

Please view this message from our Superintendent.​

​Click he​re​ to see the updated SY 2020-21 Calendar.​

Click this link for:  Hybrid Plan FAQs.

In-Person Learning will be contingent on staff availability.  If the demand for in-person learning is higher than the amount of staff available, a child may be placed on a waitlist.​

Click here​​ for our Virtual Learning Parent Guidance Document.

Click here​ for Guidance on the Data that will Determine the Date that the District can return to in-person learning.

Each month, the Superintendent provides an Operational Update to the Board.  Please view the latest update here.​​​​​

UPDATE:  1/6/2021

SCCPSS Schools to Continue with Virtual Learning January 11th Due to Community Spread of COVID-19

Due to rising rates of COVID-19 in Chatham County, students will not return to in-person instruction on January 11 as initially planned.  The COVID transmission data does not support a return to in-person instruction at this time and all students will remain in virtual learning.  All staff will continue to report to their assigned worksite unless approved for remote work by medical exemption.  Teachers will continue to teach from their classrooms while students are learning virtually from home.

When the District recessed for winter break, it was our hope that metrics would stabilize following the increase after the Thanksgiving break. Unfortunately, that has not proven to be the case.  Instead, all three of the indicators that are monitored - Community Transmission Index, Percentage of Positive Tests, and Daily Case Rate per 100,000 – are in the RED ZONE and rising.  Chatham County data can be found by accessing this web link:


Community Transmission Index – 408 = RED

Daily Case Rate Per 100,000 – 34.6 = RED

Percentage of Positive Tests – 13.8% = RED

Based on the November 4, 2020, Board action that set the thresholds for a return to virtual instruction, students will remain in virtual learning until at least one of the indicators exits the red zone for 14 days. District officials will continue to monitor key metrics daily and will make an announcement regarding a return to in-person instruction through established communication channels, the District website, and social media channels.  

Given what we see happening in the news reports on increasing COVID-19 case numbers across the world and in our own communities and the advent of a new strain of the virus, the public health conditions will continue to be of concern to us all.  Everyone is encouraged to stay the course on public health practices. District officials continue to work closely with the Department of Public Health to monitor the spread of the virus through the community.

Please continue to wear masks over your nose and mouth, maintain proper social distance (at least 6 feet), wash your hands frequently, be mindful of group settings, and seek medical attention if you are not feeling well.  Remember, COVID-19 testing is available if needed.

Please monitor for the most current information. We appreciate your continued support.

**This message does not apply to Charter Schools.  If your child attends one of the five Charter schools operating in Savannah-Chatham, please consult your Charter school for applicable schedules.

UPDATE:  12/11/2020

SCCPSS Announces Closure of Windsor Forest High School Due to Positive COVID-19 Cases

SCCPSS considers the health and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff to be of the utmost importance. It is with this in mind that we are notifying you of the closure of Windsor Forest High School due to COVID related issues and confirmed positive cases among staff.  Windsor Forest High School will be closed for in-person learning for the week of December 14th.  All students will return to a virtual mode of learning beginning Monday. In-person learning is planned to resume for students enrolled in the hybrid learning option on January 11th, following the winter break.

The district has been working closely with local public health officials to ensure the proper recommendations are followed to isolate staff diagnosed with COVID-19 and identify close contacts.  If a child has been identified as a close contact, school personnel will contact the family directly.

All areas of the school will be deep cleaned and disinfected while the building is closed. If a student or staff member develops COVID-19 symptoms, please refrain from group activities, such as sports or play groups, and contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. The Department of Public Health recommends that laboratory testing be obtained on all suspect COVID-19 cases.


  • Students should follow their normal instructional schedule and log on to itsLearning for classes during the closure.
  • Should families have any questions about assignments or instruction during the closure, please contact the child's teacher.

The Windsor vs. Johnson High Basketball game that is scheduled for this evening has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date.

Should there be a need to continue virtual instruction for all students beyond the winter break an update will be provided. 

Once again, due to confirmed positive COVID cases and the need to implement quarantine protocols among school personnel, Windsor Forest High School will be closed to in-person learning December 14-18, 2020.  All students should remain on their regular learning schedule but must remain home and log on through itsLearning. 

​​​​​UPDATE:  11/6/2020

Update: USDA Extension of Meal Service at no cost for SCCPSS Families for the Remainder of School Year 2020-2021

All SCCPSS students will receive free breakfast and lunch through the end of the 2020-21 school year.  The meals are being provided free of charge based on the exceptional circumstances relating to the declaration of a public health emergency due to COVID-19 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  The declaration prompted the U.S. Department of Agriculture to approve support of free access to nutritious meals while minimizing potential exposure to the novel coronavirus (COVID– 19) for children ages 0-18.  The SCCPSS School Food and Nutrition Program has received an extension of several waivers to provide nutritious meals to both our in-person and virtual students at no cost for the remainder of the school year.

To improve efficiency and to ensure the quality of meals, SCCPSS will continue the delivery of meals on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to allow meals to reach all students in the district on the same day.  This strategic plan will systematically allow students to have meals all week to include students that are engaged in virtual learning.  Please check the district's website for updates on delivery times and locations @ under the Meal Delivery Tab.

Some of the components of the meals will be frozen to maintain the integrity of the product while delivering for multiple days.  The USDA has also provided a waiver to allow for parent pick-up.  The parent will have to supply some form of identification to identify the children for which they are picking up the meal that falls in the category of 0-18 years of age.

Although the USDA waivers are in place, the district encourages SCCPSS families to submit an application this school year to maintain their current status for the first thirty school days of school year 2021-2022 once the waiver expires. Applications are available at the Application Center located at 3609 Hopkins Street, Savannah, GA, 31404 by appointment @ 912-395-1066.  Both online and paper applications are available in English and Spanish.  There is also a meal application drop box located at the site if the desire is to drop off the paper application afterhours. The district strongly encourage parents to apply online by going to  The link is also available on the district's School Nutrition page at
There will be no change to meal prices next school year once the waiver expires:

 · Breakfast at no cost to all students

 · Full Price Lunch in Grades K-12 - $3.00

 · Reduced Price - $.40

  • Menus will be posted on the district's website (some menu items may change based on availability)

  Questions? Call (912) 395-5591. Spanish (912) 395-6009

UPDATE:  11/4/​2020

Board Approves Two Measures Regarding Return to Learn Plan

In-Person School Operation: MOTION APPROVED

At the Regular Meeting of the Board on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – a motion was approved stating the hybrid plan's success is directly linked to having enough teachers and staff in buildings to meet the needs of students selecting in-person learning. Therefore, teachers and staff in general, except those who qualify for an exemption under board policy, will be required to return to work at their assigned building/work site when Chatham County's CTI is at or below 100, or as of December 31, 2020, when the CARES ACT expires, whichever occurs first.

Thresholds for Virtual Learning: MOTION APPROVED

Also at the Regular Meeting, a motion was passed stating the District's implementation and continuation of in-person learning should be driven by data and if the time comes that Chatham County's spread of COVID increases rapidly, the district must be prepared to take appropriate actions up to and including a districtwide transition back to fully virtual learning. Therefore, if Chatham County's transmission of COVID increases to the point that our area's CTI, Percentage of Positive Tests, and Daily Case Rate per 100,000 are all in the Red transmission level, as reported by the Coastal DPH, a districtwide transition back to virtual learning will be implemented for all students, with teachers delivering virtual instruction from their assigned worksite. Returning to hybrid in-person learning will occur when one of these 3 metrics remains lower than a RED transmission level for at least 14 calendar days.

UPDATE:  11/3/2020

SCCPSS Announces Closure of Port Wentworth Early Learning Center Due to Positive COVID-19 Cases Among Staff​

SCCPSS considers the health and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff to be of the utmost importance. It is with this in mind that we are notifying you of the closure of Port Wentworth Early Learning Center due to confirmed positive COVID cases among the limited number of in-person staff at the school.  Port Wentworth ELC will be closed for in-person learning and students must return to virtual learning through November 20, 2020.  In-person learning is planned to resume for students enrolled in the hybrid learning option on November 30th, following the Thanksgiving break.

The district has been working closely with local public health officials to ensure the proper recommendations are followed to isolate staff diagnosed with COVID-19 and identify close contacts.  If a child has been identified as a close contact, school personnel will contact the family directly.

Port Wentworth is a school serving PreK-2 students and currently has six classes serving 8 students each.  All areas of the school will be deep cleaned and disinfected while the building is closed. If a child develops COVID-19 symptoms, parents are asked to please keep him or her out of school and group activities, such as sports or play groups, and contact the child's healthcare provider as soon as possible with the information that a COVID-19 case was identified in your child's school.  The Department of Public Health recommends that laboratory testing be obtained on all suspect COVID-19 cases.


  • Students should follow their normal instructional schedule and log on to itsLearning for classes during the closure.
  • Should families have any questions about assignments or instruction during the closure, please contact the child's teacher.

Parents will be notified of school reopening no later than close of business on Tuesday, November 24th.  Should there be a need to continue virtual instruction for all students beyond the Thanksgiving break an update will be provided. 

Once again, due to confirmed positive COVID cases and the need to implement quarantine protocols among school personnel, Port Wentworth Early Learning Center will be closed to in-person learning November 4-20, 2020.  All students should remain on their regular learning schedule, but must remain home and log on through itsLearning. 

UPDATE:  10/28/2020

SCCPSS Extends Closure of West Chatham Middle School

This message is to notify you that the closure of West Chatham Middle School due to a confirmed positive COVID case and related quarantine protocol for school personnel will continue for a second week November 2 – 6, 2020.

SCCPSS considers the health and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff to be of the utmost importance. We have been working closely with local public health officials to ensure the proper recommendations are followed to isolate staff diagnosed with COVID-19 and identify close contacts. All areas of the school have been deep cleaned and disinfected this week while the building has been closed.

Parents are reminded that if a child develops COVID-19 symptoms, please keep him or her out of school and group activities, such as sports or play groups, and contact the child's healthcare provider as soon as possible with the information that a COVID-19 case was identified in your child's school.  The Department of Public Health recommends that laboratory testing be obtained on all suspected COVID-19 cases.

WCMS STUDENTS WILL CONTINUE TO UTILIZE VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION by logging into itsLearning November 2-6, 2020.

Another review of Operational Conditions will take place by November 5th and parents will be notified of school reopening no later than close of business that day.  Should there be a need to continue virtual instruction for all students beyond next week an update will be provided.  Once again, West Chatham Middle School will remain closed to in-person learning for a second week November 2-6, 2020.  All students should remain on their regular learning schedule but must remain home and log on through itsLearning. 

UPDATE:  10/23/2020​​

SCCPSS Announces One Week Closure of West Chatham Middle School Due to Positive Staff COVID Case and Quarantine Protocols

SCCPSS considers the health and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff to be of the utmost importance. It is with this in mind that we are notifying you of a one week closure of West Chatham Middle School due to a confirmed positive COVID case that has been identified among school personnel and the need for additional staff members to enter quarantine protocols.

We have been working closely with local public health officials to ensure the proper recommendations are followed to isolate staff diagnosed with COVID-19 and identify close contacts.  If a child has been identified as a close contact, school personnel will contact the family directly.

All areas of the school will be deep cleaned and disinfected while the building is closed. If a child develops COVID-19 symptoms, parents are asked to please keep him or her out of school and group activities, such as sports or play groups, and contact the child's healthcare provider as soon as possible with the information that a COVID-19 case was identified in your child's school.  The Department of Public Health recommends that laboratory testing be obtained on all suspect COVID-19 cases.


  • Students should follow their normal instructional schedule and log on to itsLearning for classes during the closure.
Should families have any questions about assignments or instruction during the closure, please contact the child's teacher.

Parents will be notified of school reopening no later than close of business on Thursday, October 29th.  Should there be a need to continue virtual instruction for all students beyond next week an update will be provided.  Once again, due to a confirmed positive COVID case and the need to implement quarantine protocols among school personnel, West Chatham Middle School will be closed to in-person learning October 26-30, 2020.  All students should remain on their regular learning schedule, but must remain home and log on through itsLearning.

UPDATE:  10/22/2020​​

Phase III Transportation Information and Bell Time Adjustments

We want to make SCCPSS families returning to the classroom during the Phase III hybrid learning plan aware of two operational Items of importance.  SCCPSS will provide transportation for students as capacity levels allow.  Transportation is not guaranteed and will be offered on a limited basis due to space limitations for social distancing requirements.  Your school will contact you if your child has been scheduled for transportation services and will provide the updated bus schedule information. 

In addition, school bell times have been adjusted to account for bus route adjustments based on bus capacity restrictions and to allow for the continuation of meal service deliveries at area bus stops.

For a complete list of the SY 2020-21 Bell Time modifications, please click here.

West Chatham Elementary School Closure Lifted

​SCCPSS considers the health and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff to be of the utmost importance. It is with this in mind that we are notifying you that the one-week closure of West Chatham Elementary School due to positive COVID cases has been lifted as of Monday, October 26, 2020.

The school has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. No new cases related to school staff or students have been reported this week and we have no immediate concerns of transmission risk at this time. As a result, the school will be open beginning Monday for those students and staff taking part in hybrid learning.

All families are encouraged to continue to closely monitor their children's health.  If a child develops COVID-19 symptoms, parents are asked to please keep him or her out of school and group activities, such as sports or play groups, and contact the child's healthcare provider as soon as possible.

​Once again, the closure has been lifted for West Chatham Elementary School and those participating in the in-person hybrid learning model will be able to return to school beginning Monday, October 26, 2020.  All students should remain on their regular learning schedule as provided by your school.  We thank you for your understanding and patience and for your support of Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools. 

UPDATE:  10/16/2020

SCCPSS Announces One Week Closure of West Chatham Elementary Due to Positive Staff COVID Cases​

SCCPSS considers the health and well-being of our students, teachers, and staff to be of the utmost importance. It is with this in mind that we are notifying you of a one week closure of West Chatham Elementary School due to positive COVID cases that have been identified among administrative personnel.

At this time, there is no indication that the personnel who have tested positive for the Coronavirus have been in close contact with any students at the school, but we ask parents to monitor their child closely for symptoms.  We have been working closely with local public health officials to ensure the proper recommendations are followed to isolate staff diagnosed with COVID-19 and identify close contacts.

All areas of the school will be deep cleaned and disinfected while the building is closed. If a child develops COVID-19 symptoms, parents are asked to please keep him or her out of school and group activities, such as sports or play groups, and contact the child's healthcare provider as soon as possible with the information that a COVID-19 case was identified in your child's school.  The Department of Public Health recommends that laboratory testing be obtained on all suspect COVID-19 cases.


  • Students should follow their normal instructional schedule and log on to itsLearning for classes during the closure.
  •  Should you have any questions about assignments or instruction during the closure, please contact your child's teacher.
Parents will be notified of the school reopening no later than close of business on Thursday, October 22nd.  Should there be a need to continue virtual instruction for all students beyond next week an update will be provided.  Once again, due to positive COVID cases among staff, West Chatham Elementary School will be closed to in-person learning October 19-23, 2020.  All students should remain on their regular learning schedule, but must remain home and log on through itsLearning. 

UPDATE:  10/14/2020​​

SCCPSS Begins Publishing Weekly COVID Case/Quarantine Count

As schools have reopened for some students, the District has begun posting weekly updates by school on the number of COVID cases and student/staff quarantined. The weekly data may be accessed through the COVID Case Count button on the main marquee at

UPDATE:  9/23/2020​​

Parents Asked to Update Email Address

If your child is eligible for an in-person learning option as part of our Phase II Return to Learn that is scheduled to begin on October 5, 2020, you should have received an email from the District asking you to fill out a registration form.  A valid email will be required to fill out the registration form.  The In-Person Learning Option for students is in a limited hybrid model (two days in-person, three day online each week) for PreK-2nd Grade students, 6th Grade students and FIRST-TIME 9th Grade students.  Additionally, our Least Independent Learners as identified by our Specialized Instruction Department will have this option.

To ensure that you receive the SCCPSS Return to Learn Registration Form and other important communications from your child's school and the school district, please fill out the form here.   After you update you information, the registration link should be provided in 24-48 hours.  

Please note that completing the Email Collection form and/or the Return to Learn Registration Form does not guarantee Phase II return status.  Student eligibility will be verified against data stored in the Student Information System.

If you do not have a valid email address, please call 912-395-5584 for assistance.

We are glad that you are a part of the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System and look forwar​d to serving your child!​

​Fill Out Free or Reduced Lunch Application by September 30th to Maintain Status

There is just one week left to submit this year's application and maintain last year's status for free or reduced lunch.  SCCPSS families who receive free or reduced lunch must reapply each year to maintain their recipient status. Prior year meal status will expire on September 30, 2020.

The district strongly encourages parents to apply online by going to  The link is also available on the district's School Nutrition page at

Paper applications are available at the Application Center located at 3609 Hopkins Street in Savannah by appointment – just call 912-395-1066.  There is also a meal application drop box located at the site if the desire is to drop off the paper application afterhours. Both online and paper applications are available in English and Spanish.

​While lunch is currently free to all SCCPSS families due to a USDA waiver during the school closure, there is no guarantee the waiver will continue past December 31st.  ​

UPDATE:  9/21/2020​​

Free Public WiFi Access Available for the Remainder of 2020

Comcast is offering free access to their xfinitywifi hotspots for the remainder of 2020 to help support students and families. These hotspots are located throughout Chatham County. A map of locations can be found at You are not required to be a Comcast customer to take advantage of this free offer.​

UPDATE:  ​9/16/2020

SCCPSS to Begin Phased Return to In-Person Learning in Late September

Phase II In-Person Learning will be contingent on staff availability.  If the demand for in-person learning is higher than the amount of staff available, a child may be placed on a waitlist.

​At a Special Called Meeting of the Board on Wednesday, September, 16, 2020, Board members voted 8-1 to approve a phased in return to in-person learning beginning in late September.  The plan calls for staff to return September 28th and some students (Least Independent Learners, Pre-K – 2nd, 6th and first time 9th graders) to return to classrooms in a limited hybrid (two days in-person, three day online each week) format beginning October 5th.  District staff will work to the greatest extent possible to ensure siblings are able to be placed in the same cohorts to assist parents with planning.  See above for an example of the weekly cohort schedule.

The phased return calls for a graduated approach.  The entire district is currently in Phase 1 or the All-Virtual Phase. The Limited Hybrid is included in Phase II.  The Resolution approved by the Board cites a tentative date of October 26th for the district to move to an Expanded Hybrid plan in Phase III, contingent on certain COVID-19 transmission data points, that will bring all students who choose the hybrid option - PreK-12 - into the classroom two days a week, with virtual learning three days per week. 

Phase IV would be a return to the classroom for all students choosing the hybrid model four days a week with one day continuing as a deep cleaning/independent learning day.  No tentative date has been set for Phase IV to begin. 

Continued virtual learning will be available in all phases for families who choose this option. 

In the next few days, parents of students enrolled in the grade levels included in Phase II will be provided information on the next steps to determine if they will choose the hybrid in-person option or remain under the virtual model.  Additionally, more information will be provided in the coming weeks on health and safety in the classroom, the availability of transportation, meal service and required school supplies.

​UPDATE: 9/11/2020

Waivers Allow Meals for Students at No Cost

SCCPSS School Food and Nutrition has received several waivers to provide nutritious meals to our students while the district is using the virtual model and will partner with the district's Transportation Department to deliver meals to our families safely and efficiently. The USDA is providing additional flexibilities in an effort to support access to nutritious meals while minimizing potential exposure to the novel coronavirus (COVID– 19) to include allowing School Nutrition Programs to offer meals at no cost to children ages 0-18.  ​

To improve efficiency and to ensure the quality of meals, SCCPSS will start the delivery of meals at no cost to all children ages 0-18 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to allow meals to reach all students in the district on the same day.  This strategic plan will systematically allow students to have meals all week that they are engaged in virtual learning.  ​

Families coming to meal service locations are asked to do their part to slow the spread of COVID-19 - make sure to wear a mask and adhere to socially distance guidelines while waiting in line.   

 An updated list of routes and times can be viewed here.​​​​​  Two days of meals (breakfast and lunch) will be delivered on both Monday and Wednesday, one day's breakfast and lunch will be delivered Friday.

UPDATE:  9/4/2020

Schedule Change for Week of September 7th Meal Delivery Due to Holiday

The SCCPSS Meal Delivery Plan continues while schools are closed.  While deliveries are normally made on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, due to the holiday on Monday, the schedule will shift to Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday next week. 

For the week of September 7th, one day's meals will be distributed on Tuesday, September 8th, two days meals on Wednesday, September 9th and one days meals on Friday, September 11th.  The following week will return to our regular Monday, Wednesday, Friday delivery plan.

Click here to find a complete list of meal delivery locations and times. 

Simply look for the route departing from the school closest to you to find your nearest stop and time.  For any questions or concerns about Meal Stops, families should call the District's Transportation Line at 912-395-5591. 

UPDATE:  8/31/2020

SCCPSS Introduces Virtual Learning K-5 Twilight Program to Assist Families with Scheduling Difficulties

SCCPSS will offer a virtual learning TWILIGHT program for students in Grades K through 5.  This additional option is being offered to help accommodate the scheduling needs of our families, as well as students in need of additional support.  Live class sessions for the virtual learning TWILIGHT option will occur Monday-Friday from 4:30 pm-7:30 pm. All curriculum taught is aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence based on grade level.  Students will receive instruction in all content areas to include English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Fine Arts, Health and P.E.

Students who choose to sign up for the program will be dual enrolled in their assigned home schools and in a virtual TWILIGHT option. Students may also elect to participate only in the TWILIGHT option. However, your child may not be taught by a teacher from your home school during the TWILIGHT virtual learning session. The same instructional resources used during the day will be used for the TWILIGHT option.  When the virtual learning period ends, students may transition back to their home schools for face-to-face instruction or elect to stay with the TWILIGHT Virtual Learning Program.

The TWILIGHT option is a district approach where students and teachers will be from a variety of schools.  Due to this unique approach, a variation of scheduling models could occur such as multi-grade classes. Additionally, larger class sizes might also occur.

An example of the schedule:

• 4:30 pm – 5:15 pm - Special (Art/ Music)
• 5:20 pm – 6:05 pm – ELA
• 6:10 pm – 6:55 pm - Social Studies
• 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm – Independent Learning
• 4:30 pm – 5:15 pm - Special (PE)
• 5:20 pm – 6:05 pm – Math
• 6:10 pm – 6:55 pm – Science
• 7:00 pm – 7:30 pm – Independent Learning
Fridays (4:30 pm to 6:00 pm) will be reserved for additional services, small groups, intervention, and enrichment activities. 
Up to 30 minutes of independent work will be assigned and can be completed prior to the TWILIGHT instructional sessions. 
Families interested in registering for the Virtual K-5 TWILIGHT program can follow this link.  Or use this QR Code:

20-21 K-5 TWILIGHT Virtual Learning Program QR Code resized.jpg
The application will be available until Midnight on September 8
th.  Parents will be notified of acceptance. The Virtual K5 TWILIGHT Program will begin on September 21st.

UPDATE:  8/28/2020

WiFi On Wheels Set to Roll September 1st
In an effort to provide WiFi access to students who don't have access at home, Savannah Chatham County Public School System school busses equipped with WiFi hotspots will begin operation Tuesday, September 1, 2020.  The district has outfitted 10 transportation buses with technology that will provide mobile Internet access for our students.  The busses will make two stops daily, one from 8:00 until 11:00 a.m. and the second from 1:00 until 4:00 p.m at locations throughout the county.  

“We are excited to rollout our SmartBuses, 'WiFi on Wheels,' for our students that do not have or are having difficulty connecting to the Internet," said David Feliciano, Chief Data and Accountability Officer. “We have worked closely with Transportation, Campus Police, and the schools to provide the best locations for serving our students. This will provide additional options for students to connect and continue their online learning during school building closure."

A Smartbus supports a total of 60 student connections.   Connectivity to the bus can be from 300ft - 400ft, line of sight.   It uses 4G LTE speeds for cell tower connection and provides WiFi connectivity to student personal or school issued devices.  It is CIPA-compliant and provides education-only content filtering.  Locations and schedules can be found here.

UPDATE:  8/26/2020

SCCPSS Virtual Instruction Model to Continue

SCCPSS continues to weigh all factors associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic and our return to in-person instruction.  With over 37,000 students and 5,600 staff members across the District, this is no easy task.

On July 16, the Board approved delay of the academic calendar start date afforded us time to prepare, train, and ready our virtual mode of instruction.  At that time, we were hopeful that transmission rates would be reduced to a safe level for a possible return to face to face operation by Labor Day.  Based on the most recent data, it does not appear that the pandemic is slowing at a rate fast enough to return to in-person teaching and learning by September 8, 2020. 

At this time, SCCPSS will continue to administer a Virtual Mode of Instruction until further notice

Any further updates regarding the instructional model will be shared through our parent notification system and information will be posted online at this website.

The data on the number of cases in our community will dictate when children may return to face-to-face instruction.  When this happens, we will ensure safety protocols are fully implemented.  The District is working on a reentry plan that will include a phased-in approach for students.  A Board Workshop on this matter is planned during the September 9, 2020, Board meeting.   

While we recognize that virtual learning is not ideal for all, it is currently the safest approach for children and for the adults who serve them. 

Thank you for your continued support of the Savannah-Chatham County Public School System.

For the latest information on school operation, virtual instruction, and District news, please continue to visit us here at or follow us on social media.

UPDATE:  8/21/2020

Meal Delivery During Virtual Learning

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Throughout the virtual learning model, school meals will be available to SCCPSS students remotely and will be provided at designated bus stops at designated times.  Families coming to meal service locations are asked to do their part to slow the spread of COVID-19 - make sure to wear a mask and adhere to socially distance guidelines while waiting in line.   

​Starting Monday, August 31st, Meals will be delivered Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week.  An updated list of routes and times can be viewed here.​​  Two days of meals (breakfast and lunch) will be delivered on both Monday and Wednesday, one day's breakfast and lunch will be delivered Friday.
**No meal service will be provided from any school site.  Schools remain closed to the public.  Refer to the meal locations and times list provided above.***

Please note that breakfast is at no cost to all SCCPSS students, but unlike the delivery in the spring, lunch will be served to students using their meal eligibility status, i.e. free, reduced, or paid.  Students will need to know their ID# or have an ID card in order to be ident​​ified as a SCCPSS student to receive the meals.  Students must have pre-paid for school lunch through the MySchoolBucks application found on the district website before being served at the designated stops.  If you do not have an account, sign up today by clicking here.  Parents are encouraged to use the online system to place money on their student's account as no cash will be collected at the bus stops. 

The USDA has provided a waiver for parent pick-up.  Parents will have to supply some form of identification to prove that their student is an SCCPSS student. 

​SCCPSS families who receive free/reduced lunch must reapply each year to maintain their recipient status. Prior year meal status will expire on September 30, 2020. Applications are available at the Application Center located at 3609 Hopkins Street, Savannah, GA, 31404 by appointment @ 912-395-1066.  Both online and paper applications are available in English and Spanish.  There is also a meal application drop box located at the site if the desire is to drop off the paper application afterhours. The district strongly encourage parents to apply online by going to  The link is also available on the district's School Nutrition page on under the Family and Student tab. 

​​There will be no change to meal prices this year:

Menus will be posted on the district's website.  Some menu items may change based on availability.  Questions? Call (912) 395-5591.  En español al (912) 395-6009.​

​​​Savannah-Chatham County Public School System is dedicated to providing quality education to all students during the virtual learning period.  Distance Learning Plans will be created for each student with a disability to outline how IEPs and 504 Plans are to be implemented.

The District Learning Plan will assess the student's needs and identify action items as part of the plan. Parents will be contacted during preplanning to schedule a Distance Learning Plan meeting. Review the purpose and process of the DLP here.  Specialized classes may include any combination of direct, real time instruction, individual or group instruction via audio and/or video conferencing and student directed activities.

Priorities for Specialized Instruction include:

Read the General Guidance on Specialized Instruction Distance Learning Update here.  

Behavior-based consultation may be scheduled by completing the Behavior Request form. Parents will be contacted for consultation. Specialized instruction behavioral staff will be available by request for consultation or coaching via audio/video conferencing.  Academic assistance may be scheduled by completing the Academic Support Request form. Academic supports will be provided as needed.

​For urgent concerns regarding specialized instruction, parents may call the Hotline for immediate assistance at 912-395-5509. The phone hotline will be manned from Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. or parents can email SIS@SCCPSS.COM

UPDATE:  8/7/2020

Schools Closed Wednesdays for Deep Cleaning

​​​Currently, all Savannah Chatham County Public School buildings are closed to the public; however, staff are working to support the delivery of virtual instruction.  In support of safety, health, and wellness, SCCPSS has built in a deep cleaning day each week that will require the buildings to be empty.  Staff will work remotely each week on Wednesdays.  This practice will remain until further notice.  While no staff will be in the building each Wednesday, they will still be available to assist with your needs by telephone and email.  Make sure to check your school's website for contact information.   

No employees are to enter schools on Wednesdays except those who are performing the deep cleaning or authorized to enter.​​

UPDATE:  8/4/2020

Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) Provides Extra Help For Students
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act includes a benefit called Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) for children who received free or reduced-price school meals in the 2019-2020 school year, but their school was closed. The Georgia Division of Family & Children Services (DFCS) in partnership with the Georgia Department of Education (DOE) has been approved to operate the new Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program.  This program will provide extra help to children who normally would receive free or reduced school lunch.  Families will receive a one-time allotment of $256.50 in total P-EBT benefits per child.

Who needs to apply for funds?

     Families who currently receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP - formerly known as food stamps) may not need to apply for these benefits. Eligible SNAP recipients should automatically receive the benefits loaded onto their electronic benefit transfers (EBT) cards if their child was enrolled in a free and reduced meals program at their school during the 2019-2020 school year. 

What if I do not receive funds, but I'm eligible?
     If you do not receive these Pandemic-Electronic Benefit Transfers (EBT) benefits, and you have eligible children, you can submit an online application. (once you click on the link, scroll down to access the online form link).  Approved applicants will receive an EBT card within three to four weeks of approval.  

What if I do not receive SNAP benefits, but my child is eligible for free or reduced-price meals?
     Parents who do not currently receive SNAP but have children who were eligible to receive free or reduced school meals as of March 2020, can apply for benefits here (once you click on the link, scroll down to access the online form link). On this application you will be asked to provide a Student Testing Identification Number otherwise known as a GTID.  Approved applicants will receive an EBT card within three to four weeks of approval.

How do I find my child's GTID number?

You can find your child's GTID number in your PowerSchool Parent Access Account or on your child's previous Georgia Milestones Assessment System results report. These are instructions to find the GTID number in your PowerSchool Parent Access Account:

Click here to request a Parent Access Account. ​

Click here for the application.

Click here for more information about the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program.

Click here for FAQ's from the Georgia Division of Family & Children Services.​

​UPDATE:  7/30/20​20

Appropriate Student Devices for Distance Learning

If you are providing your own device for distance learning, any Windows 10 Desktop or Laptop, Chromebook, Android tablet, iPad, or MacBook that is less than 4 years in age and/or is still capable of receiving updates and using Chrome or FireFox browsers are appropriate. itsLearning can be accessed using any Internet connected device, including all devices above as well, as any SmartPhone.  For online communication, earbuds or headphones, speakers and microphone are necessary. For video interaction, a camera is needed.  

NOTE: Internal speakers, microphone and camera can be used on devices with these options. 

UPDATE:  7/29/2020

SCCPSS Announces Virtual Open House Meeting Dates

It's finally Back to School time!  We can't wait to see our students' smiling faces and kickoff the 2020-2021 School Year.  This school year may look a little different, but there's one thing that has not changed and that's our commitment to doing all we can to ensure your child succeeds at the highest level. 

It all starts with Open House!  We'll share class information, learning tips, and provide an opportunity for your child to meet his/her teacher.  We're ready for the August 19th Return to Learn virtual start of the school year and we want you to be ready, too.  While we would much rather see our students in person, our need to ensure safety has us on a continued virtual format for special events, so our schools have some very special plans to “virtually" meet our families and share the information you need to know for a successful start.

​While schools remain closed to the public, Open House virtual formats will be offered to include, but not limited to: 

Families will receive information from your school about how to log on for the virtual open house format.  Please make sure to check your email, school website, or e-newsletters for additional information.  In the meantime, save the date, and plan to join us on the dates listed below. 

​SY 2020-21 Virtual Open House Schedule:

*All Open House events will be conducted virtually

*Virtual plans are determined by individual schools (details will be provided by your school)



​On e-Learning Days, does my child have to log in every day? 

Time spent online will be dictated by the individual teacher, but students will be encouraged to log in to the system each day to check for assignments, participate in classroom discussions, seek individual assistance, and receive assessments. Schedules will be provided. 

How will attendance be taken?

Attendance will be defined by a student's participation. Students will be considered in attendance when they are participating in active instruction and/or educational services. This will apply to in-person, virtual, remote, or hybrid model.

Examples include time spent in the online platform, log-in to the online platform, attendance during live instruction, submission or student assignments, and student/teacher interactions.   

Will there be assessments?

For SY 2020-2021, the existing formative assessment will be used to measure COVID-19 student learning loss. This information will assist schools on student support and learning recovery. An Assessment Calendar has been posted to Concerning GMAS testing, the Georgia Department of Education submitted a request to the United States Department of Education for a waiver of standardized testing and accountability requirements for the 2020-21 school year. If the waiver is approved, there will be no administration of the Georgia Milestones EOGs, Georgia Milestones EOCs, or Georgia Alternate Assessment (GAA) 2.0 during the 2020-21 academic year.  Should this occur, the Assessment Calendar will be updated. 

For the E-Learning Academy School, will I be allowed to change my student's learning option before the first semester ends?

When making a selection, parents are committing to at least one full semester of instruction.  Students enrolled in the E-Learning Academy may return to their zone school at the end of a semester.  Students who transfer from a Choice program would need to reapply for admission to their chosen program. 

​Will there be support for students who need special education, ESL, IEP, speech, gifted instruction, etc.?

Yes, students will receive their support services.  Our gifted eligible students will receive their gifted curriculum through their assigned teachers. Lessons will be aligned with state gifted standards. Students with disabilities will continue to receive services as indicated in their IEP.  An IEP meeting may be held to determine most appropriate services. Educational evaluations will resume with additional safety protocols.


Who will have access to school meals?

2020-2021 MEAL PRICES: There will be no change to meal prices this year.  Meal prices are as follows:
• Breakfast at no cost to all students 

• Full Price Lunch in Grades K-12 - $3.00 

 • Reduced Price - $.40 ​


What is Google Classroom?

Google Classroom is a digital learning platform that teachers use to interact with their students online. Teachers use this tool to create classes, provide instruction, distribute assignments, give tests, send feedback, and see everything in one place.

What is Its Learning?

ItsLearning is a cloud-based Learning Management System.  This solution will provide parents, students, and staff a “one stop shop" for all things relating to curriculum and content management, instruction, tools for assessment and communication, and reporting and analytics. The system will integrate with 3rd party software and content providers to provide a seamless process for remote learning. 

Will the district provide devices to students?

Yes, the district is moving to 1:1 as quickly as possible. Chromebooks have been ordered for student use.  Plans for distributing devices will be announced on our website,

My family does not have internet access. What should we do?

High-speed internet service is being provided to families at affordable prices. Comcast Internet Essentials, AT&T, and others provide deep discounts. Additional information can be found here​. In addition, the District is purchasing SmartBus technology to deploy throughout Chatham County. A limited number of personal MiFi devices will be purchased for checking out from the Media Centers. ​

Is there a way to lock down or secure devices to keep them from reaching both non-school related materials and/or social media?    

We have upgraded our Internet filtering solution to better support students outside the district. All student devices are locked down and can be updated remotely as needed. They no longer need to be within the school for internet monitoring and filtering updates.

Is there a way in which the Chromebooks are trackable?

The district uses several management platforms that keep track of all student devices. Once a device is reported missing, we can easily track it and lock it down. This will render the device unusable until it is returned. In addition, the Chromebooks are etched with the district logo and name.


Will students take field trips?

No field trips will be taken at this time.

If my child is enrolled in the E-Learning Academy, may he/she participate in extracurricular activities?

E-Learning students may participate in district team sports for grades 9-12 and e-sports for grades 6-12.

Will we have sports this year?

Our district is in close communication with the Georgia High School Association (GHSA) and are following their guidelines.  After careful consideration, SCCPSS has developed a plan of action for a safe and healthy return to athletic competition. This will allow additional time to assess all public health conditions and ensure clarity of protocols with staff and stakeholders regarding participation in competitions.

SCCPSS will have a delayed start to the Fall sports season.  SCCPSS will only participate in intra-district (SCCPSS School) competitions.  By only allowing intra-district play, SCCPSS is better positioned to react, respond, and ensure proper protocols are being followed pertinent to contact tracing. 

Additional guidance that will be provided over time will include fan protocol, transportation, and the management of positive COVID 19 cases among contest participants. The season will be pushed back to begin volleyball, softball and cross country competitions no earlier than September 1, 2020 and football competitions no earlier than October 1, 2020. 

What about band and cheerleading?

At this time, based on guidance and recommendations from the Department of Health, there will be no Band or Cheerleading.  ​​​


What communication tools will you use to stay in touch with students and parents?

Our district uses a notification system that allows us to email, call or text messages to parents and staff.  You will be able to tell us your preferred method of contact.  Please make sure we have your current and accurate email address and telephone numbers on file.  In addition, our social media channels and our website are updated daily to provide the most current information about our schools.

How will we have parent-teacher conferences?

Parent-teacher conferences may be scheduled virtually using our Learning Management System or may be held by phone conference.

 How will parents access the most current information?

Your school and district websites will have the most current information.  Make sure to check regularly and follow us on social media.

Five Things You Need to Know About School Uniforms

​You may have seen some conflicting posts on social media about the school uniform policy.  Let's set the record straight.  Here are five things you need to know about school uniforms for the upcoming school year. 

  1. At the June 3 board meeting, the Savannah-Chatham Board of Public Education approved a temporary relaxation of the dress code policy for the 2020-2021 School Year.  That's right…it's for the 2020-21 SY only.   See the resolution here. 
  2. The action was taken to provide parent choice for following the dress code OR the dress code requirements of “non-uniform" school days.  The flexibility allows families to make determinations that best suits their needs in the face of uncertainty with the pandemic. 
  3. Book bags, tote bags, backpacks, athletic bags and all other similar items must have the contents clearly visible (read:  a see-through, clear plastic or mesh.) That hasn't changed.  Keep it clear!
  4. The Student Dress Code remains unchanged; however, during the 2020-2021 School Year, any parent/guardian whose child, for whatever reason, is not able to adhere to the clothing requirements of the school uniform policy may defer to the dress code for non-uniform days.  That means that students may wear clothing of a non-uniform nature provided it adheres to the guidelines for Acceptable Dress for Non-Uniform days as described in policy. 
  5. What's appropriate for the school day and consistent with the dress code?  Basically, students must wear schools IDs, no midriffs, pants that don't fit, or “short shorts" (or short skirts, jumpers or dresses) and no revealing clothing.  There are a few other guidelines so take a look at your student handbook or district policy to be certain your school wear is in compliance.  Here's a refresh on the policy. ​

​Important Resources


  • Please wear short sleeve clothing.
  • Do not arrive early for your appointment as this creates crowding at the event location.
  • Health insurance is not required and there is no out-of-pocket cost for vaccination. However, if you have insurance, please bring your health insurance information. Some providers may bill the health insurance company, but you will not be billed directly for vaccination.
  • All other Georgians eligible for vaccination can make an appointment with local healthcare providers during regular clinic hours. Appointments with the Coastal Health District can be scheduled online at or by calling 912-230-5506 during business hours. 
  • State of Georgia Vaccine Locator​​
  • Vaccine Spotter​ 






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