Georgia Pre-K Week is October 2 - 6, 2023, and emphasizes the importance of quality early
childhood education by providing opportunities for leaders to engage with Pre-K classrooms in local
communities. Our schools kicked off the week with various activities to emphasize the importance of
the Pre-K program. They also invited classroom readers including State Senator Derek Mallow,
Mayor Van Johnson, Savannah Fire Marshall Whitney Williams-Smith, 100 Black Men of Savannah
Vice President Charlton Bradford Jefferson, and Wayne Grimes from Georgia Power.
The Savannah-Chatham County Public School System has 65 Georgia Lottery Funded Pre-K classes
serving more than 1400 students.
For the past 30 years, Georgia's nationally recognized Pre-K Program has provided quality early
education to the state's youngest learners. Launched in 1992 as a pilot program serving 750
four-year-olds, the lottery-funded Georgia Pre-K Program has laid a solid foundation for academic
excellence and future success in the lives of approximately 2 million children.