All SCCPSS students will receive free weekday breakfast and lunch through the end of the 2020-21 school year. The meals are being provided free of charge based on the exceptional circumstances relating to the declaration of a public health emergency due to COVID-19 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The declaration prompted the U.S. Department of Agriculture to approve support of free access to nutritious meals while minimizing potential exposure to the novel coronavirus (COVID– 19) for children ages 0-18. The SCCPSS School Food and Nutrition Program has received an extension of several waivers to provide nutritious meals to both our in-person and virtual students at no cost for the remainder of the school year.
To improve efficiency and to ensure the quality of meals, SCCPSS will continue the delivery of meals on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays to allow meals to reach all students in the district on the same day. This strategic plan will systematically allow students to have meals all week to include students that are engaged in virtual learning.
Families coming to meal service locations are asked to do their part to slow the spread of COVID-19 - make sure to wear a mask and adhere to socially distance guidelines while waiting in line.
An updated list of routes and times can be viewed here. Two days of meals (breakfast and lunch) will be delivered on both Monday and Wednesday, one day's breakfast and lunch will be delivered Friday.
PLEASE NOTE: There are changes to the meal delivery schedule due to student holidays for the weeks of Novermber 9th, 23rd and 30th. Please see the attached calendar below for adjustments:
COVID - 19 Distribution of meals for SY 2020-2021 Virtual Learning December 7th thru January 1st (003).pdf
2nd Semester COVID - 19 Distribution of meals for SY 2020-2021 Virtual Learning January 4th thru January 29th Revised.pdf
**No meal service will be provided from any school site. Schools remain closed to the public. Refer to the meal locations and times list provided above.***
Please note that both breakfast and lunch will be at no cost to all children ages 0-18, as we did in the spring. Some of the components of the meals will be frozen to maintain the integrity of the product while delivering for multiple days. USDA did provide a waiver for parent pick-up. The parent will need to supply some form of identification to identify the child(ren) for whom they are picking up the meal(s) that falls in the category of 0-18 years of age.
Although the USDA waivers are in place, the district encourages SCCPSS
families to submit an application this school year to maintain their current
status for the first thirty school days of school year 2021-2022 once the
waiver expires. Applications are available at the Application Center located at 3609 Hopkins Street, Savannah, GA, 31404 by appointment @ 912-395-1066. Both online and paper applications are available in English and Spanish. There is also a meal application drop box located at the site if the desire is to drop off the paper application afterhours. The district strongly encourage parents to apply online by going to myschoolapps.com. The link is also available on the district's School Nutrition page on sccpss.com under the Family and Student tab.
There will be no change to meal prices next school year once the waiver expires:
- Breakfast at no cost to all students
- Full Price Lunch in Grades K-12 - $3.00
- Reduced Price - $.40
Menus will be posted on the district's website. Some menu items may change based on availability.
Questions? Call (912) 395-5591. En español al (912) 395-6009.